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EU Blue Economy Observatory
Figure 1: France: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2021)
Figure 1: France: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2021)

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The French Assessment of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services (EFESE) was initiated in 2012 by the Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohesion des Territoires. The assessment of marine and coastal ecosystems and ecosystem services (EFESE-Mer) was carried out by Ifremer and the University of Brest with the support of the French Agency for Biodiversity.


For more national level data, please visit the Dashboards section within the EU Blue Economy Observatory, where you can also find information about Educational and Employment opportunities in the Blue Economy sectors. 

Figure 2: France: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2009-2021)
Figure 2: France: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2009-2021)
Figure 3: France: Evolution of the Employment by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021)
Figure 3: France: Evolution of the Employment by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021) - Persons employed
Figure 4: France: Evolution of the GVA by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021)
Figure 4: France: Evolution of the GVA by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021) - M€