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EU Blue Economy Observatory
Italy: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2021)
Italy: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2021)

Several organizations are monitoring the Italian Blue Economy at the national level, as illustrated below: 

Unioncamere - the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce - publishes annual reports and studies on the Italian “economy of the sea”. These reports aim to analyze the potential of the Italian maritime economy and provide valuable information for policymakers, businesses, and researchers. 

SRM Research Center is an Italian research institute that focuses on maritime economics and the blue economy. It publishes reports, studies, and analyses on various aspects of the Italian economy of the sea, including maritime transport, port activities, coastal development, fisheries, aquaculture, and marine renewable energy.

The Blue Forum Italia Network promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, policy coherence, conflict prevention and resolution and empowerment and contributes to promoting the use and sustainable management of the sea for the benefit of the various maritime stakeholders and coastal communities. 

Other national sources of information on the Italian Blue Economy are: 

For more national level data, please visit the Dashboards section within the EU Blue Economy Observatory, where you can also find information about Educational and Employment opportunities in the Blue Economy sectors. 

Italy: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2009-2021)
Italy: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2009-2021)
Italy: Evolution of the Employment by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021)
Italy: Evolution of the Employment by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021) - Persons employed
Italy: Evolution of the GVA by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021)
Italy: Evolution of the GVA by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021) - M€