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EU Blue Economy Observatory
Poland: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2021)
Poland: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2021)

Several organizations are monitoring the Polish Blue Economy at the national level, as illustrated below: 

The Maritime Institute in Gdańsk (Instytut Morski w Gdańsku) is a research and development unit supervised by Ministry of Maritime Economy. For over fifty years the Institute has been closely associated with maritime economy. The Institute conducts research work, scientific and implementation projects, studies and assessments. Its mission is to take care and preserve the values of the sea and sustainable development of the Polish maritime economy.  

The National Marine Fisheries Research Institute (NMFRI) is the oldest marine science centre in Poland. Its mission is to provide independent, objective and up-to-date knowledge based on scientific activity as well as research and development works, which support economically sustainable and environmentally sound development of marine fisheries. 

For more national level data, please visit the Dashboards section within the EU Blue Economy Observatory, where you can also find information about Educational and Employment opportunities in the Blue Economy sectors. 

Poland: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2009-2021)
Poland: Evolution of the Blue Economy established sectors (2009-2021)
Poland: Evolution of the Employment by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021)
Poland: Evolution of the Employment by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021) - Persons employed
Poland: Evolution of the GVA by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021)
Poland: Evolution of the GVA by Blue Economy activity (2009-2021) - M€