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EU Blue Economy Observatory
Size of the EU Coastal Tourism sector, 2009-2021.
Figure 1: Size of the EU Coastal Tourism sector, 2009-2021. Turnover, GVA ad gross operating surplus in € billion, persons employed (thousand), and average wage (€ thousand)

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Share of employment (left) and GVA in the EU Coastal Tourism sector (right) in 2021
Figure 2: Share of employment (left) and GVA in the EU Coastal Tourism sector (right) in 2021

1 European Commission. Coastal and maritime tourism.

2 Eurostat. 2023. Tourism Satellite Accounts in Europe – 2023 edition: Available at:

European Commission. Tourism Dashboard. Available at:

3 Eurostat (2022). Tourism statistics - seasonality at regional level.

Batista e Silva, F., Barranco, R., Proietti, P., Pigaiani, C., & Lavalle, C. (2021). A new European regional tourism typology based on hotel location patterns and geographical criteria. Annals of Tourism research, 89, 103077.

4 Curtale, R., Batista e Silva, F., Proietti, P., & Barranco, R. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on tourism demand in European regions-An analysis of the factors affecting loss in number of guest nights. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 4(2), 100112.

5 The return of the cruise – How luxury cruises are polluting Europe’s cities. TE- Transport Environment.

6 Data source: Eurostat Passengers embarked and disembarked in all ports by direction - annual data [mar_pa_aa].

7 State of the Cruise Industry 2023 – Cruise lines international association.