Desalination - European Commission
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EU Blue Economy Observatory

1 Bisselink B., Bernhard J., Gelati E., Adamovic M., Guenther S., Mentaschi L., Feyen L., and de Roo, A, Climate change and Europe’s water resources, EUR 29951 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-10398-1, doi:10.2760/15553, JRC118586.

2 Eke, J., Yusuf, A., Giwa, A., & Sodiq, A. (2020). The global status of desalination: An assessment of current desalination technologies, plants and capacity. Desalination, 495, 114633

3 Bisselink B., Bernhard J., Gelati E., Adamovic M., Guenther S., Mentaschi L., Feyen L., and de Roo, A, Climate change and Europe’s water resources, EUR 29951 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-10398-1, doi:10.2760/15553, JRC118586.

4 Of these, 11,724 are currently operating, representing 85% of the total number of facilities and accounting for 92% of the global capacity.

5  Jones, E., Qadir, M., van Vliet, M. T., Smakhtin, V., & Kang, S. M. (2019). The state of desalination and brine production: A global outlook. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 1343-1356

6  Eyl-Mazzega M.A. and É. Cassignol, (2022). The Geopolitics of Seawater Desalination, Études de l’Ifri, IFPRI, September 2022. 

Sirota, R., Winters, G., Levy, O., Marques, J., Paytan, A., Silverman, J., ... & Bar-Zeev, E. (2023). Impacts of Desalination Brine Discharge on Benthic Ecosystems. Environmental Science & Technology

7  DesalData

8  DesalData

9  de Roo et al. 2021. The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the Mediterranean: Current Issues and Future Challenges. The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the Mediterranean: Current Issues and Future Challenges

de Roo et al. 2023. Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems pathways towards reducing water scarcity in Europe

10  DesalData

11 Adamovic et al. 2019. Energy Nexus in Europe. EC Joint Research Centre. doi:10.2760/285180, JRC115853. 

12Out of a total of 5045 companies having the “desalination” in their trade or product descriptions (in any of EU-27 languages), 413 companies are headquartered in the EU-27.

13 IDRA Desalination & Reuse Handbook 2023 -2024, Water Desalination Report, pg. 15

14 IDRA Desalination & Reuse Handbook 2023 -2024, Water Desalination Report, pg. 4
15 IDRA Desalination & Reuse Handbook 2023 -2024, Water Desalination Report.

16 DesalData Market Report, July 2023.

17IDRA Desalination & Reuse Handbook 2023 -2024, Water Desalination Report.

18 Ibidem

19 DesalData: European market.

20 Tanaka, Y. (2021). Current progress in reverse osmosis desalination. NPG Asia Materials, 13(1), 1-29.

21 He, Z. (2021). Hybrid thermal processes. In Z. He & K. Sirkar (Eds.), Desalination: Fundamentals, advances and technologies (pp. 77-95). Academic Press.

22 Post J., de Jong P., Mallory M., Doussineau M., Gnamus A. (2021). Smart Specialisation in the Context of Blue Economy – Analysis of Desalination Sector. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, doi:10.2760/058360.

23 European Environment Agency, 2012. EEA Report No 1/2012. Towards efficient use of water resources in Europe.

24 COM/2020/380 final.
25 COM/2021/400 final

26 Eke, J., Yusuf, A., Giwa, A., & Sodiq, A. (2020). The global status of desalination: An assessment of current desalination technologies, plants and capacity. Desalination, 495, 114633.

27 World Bank. (2019). The role of desalination in an increasingly water-scarce world. World Bank 

28 Pistocchi, A., et al. (2020). Can seawater desalination be a win-win fix to our water cycle? Water research, 115906.

29 Zolghadr-Asli, B., McIntyre, N., Djordjevic, S., Farmani, R., Pagliero, L., Martínez-Alvarez, V., & Maestre-Valero, J. F. (2023). A review of limitations and potentials of desalination as a sustainable source of water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(56), 118161-118174.

30  IFRI, 2022. The Geopolitics of Seawater Desalination.

31  European Environment Agency, 2021. Water resources across Europe - confronting water stress: an updated assessment. EEA Report No 12/2021

32  European Environment Agency, 2012. EEA Report No 1/2012. Towards efficient use of water resources in Europe.

33  Pistocchi, A., Bleninger, T., & Dorati, C, 2020. Screening the hurdles to sea disposal of desalination brine around the Mediterranean. Desalination, 491, 114570

34  Morillo, J., Lee, K. P., & Shon, H. K. (2022). Towards zero brine discharge: Progress, remaining challenges, and future outlooks of inland brine treatment technologies. Journal of Environmental Management, 300, 113861. 

35  Cammalleri, C., Naumann, G., Mentaschi, L., Bisselink, B., Gelati, E., De Roo, A., and Feyen, L.: Diverging hydrological drought traits over Europe with global warming, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 5919–5935, 2020, 

36 COM(2012), Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, “Report on the Review of the European Water Scarcity and Droughts Policy”: 

37 Cammalleri C., Naumann G., Mentaschi L., Formetta G., Forzieri G., Gosling S., Bisselink B., De Roo A., and Feyen L, JRC Technical Report, 2020, “Global warming and drought impacts in the EU”, doi: 10.2760/597045

38  Spinoni, al, “Future Global Meteorological Drought Hot Spots: A Study Based on CORDEX Data”. J. Climate, 33, 3635–3661, 2020, 

39  Webber, H., Ewert, F., Olesen, J.E. et al. Diverging importance of drought stress for maize and winter wheat in Europe. Nat Commun 9, 4249, 2018,

40  Jones, E., Qadir, M., van Vliet, M.T., Smakhtin, V., & Kang, S. mu. (2019). The state of desalination and brine production: A global outlook. Science of The Total Environment, 657, 1343-1356, 2019,

41  Del Amor et al. 2020. Integrated Water Management in Southeast Spain: Assessment of Total Water Cycle. Water. 12(6):1803.

42 Martínez-Alvarez et al. 2016. Seawater Desalination for Crop Irrigation – A Review of Current Experiences and Revealed Key Issues. Desalination. 381: 58-70.

43 Chartzoulakis et al. 2010. Water Resources Management in Crete (Greece) including Water Recycling and Desalination. Agricultural Water Management. 98(1): 96-105

44 Polycarpou and Zachariadis 2013. An Econometric Analysis of the Use of Desalinated Water in Cyprus. Water Resources Management. 27(7): 2089-2101.

45  Poulakis et al. 2015. Overview of Water Quality Problems in Three Regions of Intensive Agriculture in Greece and Agricultural Practices to Minimize the Impact on Water Resources. Global Nest Journal. 17(4): 721-732.

46 Karagiannis, I. C., & Soldatos, P. G., “Water desalination cost literature: review and assessment.” Desalination, 223(1-3), 448-456, 2008, 

47  Zhu, T., Ringler, C., & Rosegrant, M. W. Viewpoint – Potential for irrigation infrastructure expansion in Africa from an economic perspective. Water Alternatives, 13(3), 610-626, 2020,

48 ProDes. (2010). Schemes for subsidizing renewable energy driven desalination. 

49  IRENA. (2020). Renewable power generation costs in 2019. International Renewable Energy Agency. 

50 FAO. (2012). Coping with water scarcity: An action framework for agriculture and food security. 

51 FAO. (2019). The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture – Systems at breaking point. Synthesis report 2019. 

52  Jones, E. et al, (2019). The state of desalination and brine production: A global outlook. Science of The Total Environment, 657, 1343-1356, 2019,

53 Pistocchi, A., Bleninger, T., Breyer, C., Caldera, U., Dorati, C., Ganora, D., ... & Zaragoza, G. (2020). Can seawater desalination be a win-win fix to our water cycle?. Water Research, 182, 115906.

54 Wei Han Tu et all. “Reclaimed seawater discharge – Desalination brine treatment and resource recovery system”, Water Research, Volume 251, 2024, 121096, ISSN 0043-1354,

55 David Jiménez-Arias, Sarai-Morales Sierra, Fráncisco J. García-Machado, Ana L. García-García, Andrés A. Borges, Juan C. Luis “Exploring the agricultural reutilisation of desalination reject brine from reverse osmosis technology” Desalination, Volume 529, 2022, 115644, ISSN 0011-9164,