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EU Blue Economy Observatory
[banner as 2022 report cover]

"No water, no life; no blue, no green" (Sylvia Earle - oceanographer)


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Dive into data and charts that show the economic indicators used for the established sectors in the EU Blue Economy report

Image of a cargo vessel.

The sustainable growth of a blue economy depends on the switch from high-carbon to low-carbon energy.
The Energy Transition Partnership aims to advance this transition in fisheries and aquaculture.

[Earth showing EU]

Maps of the following sectors: Coastal Tourism, Marine Living Resources, Marine non-living Resources, Port Activities, Shipbuilding and Repair, Maritime Transport and Marine Renewable Energy.

[Fishing boat at sunset]

EU Blue Economy includes all sectoral and cross-sectoral economic activities based on or related to the oceans, seas and coasts: Marine-based activities and Marine-related activities.

Explore how each country is harnessing the potential of their coastal and marine resources in this comprehensive overview of the Blue Economy in the EU Memeber States.

News on the Blue Economy


  • Conferences and summits
  • Italy

Funding opportunities