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EU Blue Economy Observatory
News announcement15 November 2023Joint Research Centre – Ispra1 min read

BlueAquaEdu: Exploring gamification to motivate teenagers

BlueAquaEdu is a three-year project financed by EMFAF, aimed at exploring gamification as an educational approach to engage and motivate teenagers (15-18) and students (18+) in aquaculture, post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of the processing by-products sectors education.

The project will:

  1. Develop a Gamification Application for cages and recirculating aquaculture system technologies and five fish species.
  2. Develop five common training programs for aquaculture (cage farming, hatcheries, RAS), the post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of processing by-products.
  3. Attract competent Mentors with hands-on experience in the selected sectors.
  4. Establish a virtual Aquaculture Educational Network (v-AquaEduN) that will cover a wide geographical area in Europe, EU Outermost Regions, Med non-EU Countries and Africa;
  5. Develop a Sharing-Pooling e-Platform for Mentoring.
  6. Organise Workshops, Summer Schools and Apprenticeships.

BlueAquaEdu will enhance the next generation of Aquaculture graduates' digital, green, soft, transversal, inter-/multi-disciplinary, managerial, entrepreneurial and project management skills. It will fill in the gaps of lack of structure, continued collaboration between industry and educational/VET institutions and lack of "skills ecosystems" at the sea basin level, bringing together education, industry and public authorities. 

Another project related to aquaculture is AquaWind, which aims to collect the general public’s feedback on and perceptions of the benefits of offshore energy in combination with aquaculture, the development of multi-use projects, and overall, the upcoming AquaWind prototype testing.

About BlueAquaEd

About AquaWind



Publication date
15 November 2023
Joint Research Centre – Ispra