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EU Blue Economy Observatory

Marine non-living resources

Size of the EU Marine non-living resources sector, 2009-2021. Turnover, GVA ad gross operating surplus in € billion, persons employed (thousand), and average wage (€ thousand)
Figure 1: Size of the EU Marine non-living resources sector, 2009-2021. Turnover, GVA ad gross operating surplus in € billion, persons employed (thousand), and average wage (€ thousand)

Despite the 2021 rebound, the sector’s turnover fell sharply between 2012 and 2017, fluctuating between €10 and €13 billion, mainly because of fuel price dynamics. The sector’s workforce has been steadily declining since 2009, with only minor exceptions in 2012 and 2014. In 2021, the Marine non-living resources sector accounted for 9% of the jobs, 4% of the GVA and 3% of the profits of the entire EU Blue Economy.

Share of employment (left) and GVA in the EU Marine non-living resources sector (right) in 2021
Figure 2: Share of employment (left) and GVA in the EU Marine non-living resources sector (right) in 2021

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3 Marine Investment for the Blue Economy (MARIBE), WP 4: Socio-economic trends and EU policy in offshore Economy, 

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 5 Marine Investment for the Blue Economy (MARIBE), WP 4: Socio-economic trends and EU policy in offshore Economy,  

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7 Quarterly Reports on European Gas Markets Q1 2022 to Q2 2023, Market Observatory for Energy, DG Energy,

8 Technical Study: MSP as a tool to support Blue Growth. Sector Fiche: Oil and Gas, Final Version: 16.02.2018,

9 IEA Oil Market Report - February 2024

10 Technical Study: MSP as a tool to support Blue Growth. Sector Fiche: Oil and Gas, Final Version: 16.02.2018,

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